Two everyday things I couldn't live without.
My dry food kibble bowl which was made by mom in a pottery class almost 25 years ago.
My red collar, because it makes me look so very very handsome.
Two of my favorite songs.
Just two? Wow . . . . Right now I really like "Here Comes the Hotstepper" and "Boom Boom Boom" They make me smile and want to run around the house.
Two things I want to do before I die.
Get a PONY!
And find a genie lamp so I can wish for more wishes.
Two things I worry about.
Sardines being added to the endangered species list.
WHEN are mom and dad coming home? They should BE HERE by now. (And don't forget the sardines.)
Two stores I shop at.
Well I do most of my shopping online, so I'd have to say Amazon.com and Overstock.com
Two things that scare me.
Ladies who wear heavy perfume and then want to hold me. (GET AWAY!!)
When Mom and Dad find out about the . .. .well . . . I'm not telling . . . but it wasn't me . . .and even if it was . . . I was having a bad day.
Two snacks I could eat every day.
Sardines with peanut butter.
Two people I'd be lost without.
(I don't even want to THINK about it!)
Two nicknames I've been given.
Dougally Woogally
Next two places I want to go on vacation.
Paris (French Chats are SWEET!)
Oregon--to see Jon Jon. He said he'd let me get a pony and ride up Mt. Hood! (Sorry Jim, but you'd make me ride a bike and I prefer PONIES!)