Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I had a wonderful dream last night.
I dreamed that I was floating in a bubble through the sky and then came down gently into a beautiful field of wildflowers--the most beautiful wild flowers in the world.

I stepped out of the bubble and there I met friends and we played in the wild flowers.

There were butterflies and sweet perfumes from the flowers.

The sky was clear blue with puffy white clouds and we were able to run and play and have fun all day.

It was a wonderful dream.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


I am happy this morning.
I got to sleep on the big bed for most of the night, and then I got to cuddle this morning while Mom watched the morning cafe shows on BBC America.
Life is grand!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am zee most handzum cat in zee world!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Cats need

I think cats should be given charge cards.
And passports.

I was crusing on the internet today and I really think there is a lot of good I can do in the world if I had a passport and a charge card.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I love my dad.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Shopping List

We're out of cat food, the dry kind. Which means I can have canned cat food, all I can eat.
I hope mom doesn't remember to buy more dry stuff. I like the wet stuff better!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Play It Sam

Dear Mom,

I am sorry that I gacked.
I am sorry it was only 5:40 a.m. when I gacked.
I am sorry you hadn't had a cup of coffee yet.
I am sorry it was right next to you and projectiled onto your leg.
I am sorry it was all over the piano.

I love you.

Please play me my favorite song.
I promise not to eat ribbon ANY MORE!

Love love love

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Birthday Songs

When there are balloons a cat is singing
When there are ribbons a cat can dance
When there are presents and packages and cake
A cat is happy happy happy.

Your toes!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Mom, can I have some of your diet coke?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me! I got a new red collar . . .and some cat nip!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

It wasn't me!

Had to participate in a cat line up today.

Apparently someone (it wasn't me) . . . relieved themselves on the stove. On a burner. It it wasn't discovered until mom and dad were cooking last night.

Woooowheee! did it make a stink. (It wasn't me!)

Then mom and dad screamed and yelled and opened all the windows and coughed and gakked and tried to clean up the mess . . . and afterwards . . . it was time for the cat line up.

Mom lined us up. Was it you? I said no. She went to Chester, Was it you? He said no. She went to Tiger, Was it you? and he said, "I think it was Dougal." It wasn't me!

Pretty nasty. If this ever happens to you, just move out. Seriously. It was pretty bad.

Who knew that a little cat pee on a burner can make the house smell like the monkey hall at the zoo?

In any case, it wasn't me. Seriously. It wasn't.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The way cats think

I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short. ~ Blaise Pascal

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Things to do on a Tuesday

1. Investigate new garbage bag. See if today is the day the lid will come off the trash can.
2. Watch for hummingbirds out the North window.
3. Watch for chipmunks out the West window.
4. Nap in the sunrays that come from the East Window.
5. Puzzle on why there are no South windows in this house.

6. Help Tiger with his exercise program.
7. Sit with Chester (his tummy hurts again) and let him know I am here for him.
8. Make a couple long distance phone calls. (I meet the nicest people when I randomly dial)
9. Consider the benefits of stretching vs the benefits of napping . . . (they're both good!)
10. Attend Socrates Club. Today's topic is "gifts and talents". (I love presents!!!!)

Monday, September 05, 2005

It's a jungle out there.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Knitting is for cats

If you BUY yarn and you BUY sticks to knit with . . . what is the big surprise when I tell you I KNOW they are cat toys? It's yarn? It's sticks! THESE ARE CAT TOYS!!!!!!
