Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sieze the DAY!

There certainly is opportunity in a day like today.

I could seize this opportunity.

Or I could sit on Bruce's head and freak out mom and dad when they walk by.

Being on Bruce puts me about eye level. If I'm very quiet they don't see me until they FEEL my knowing eyes upon them.

This could be a very good use of my time today.


Friday, February 27, 2009


The Rain Channel is back.
I saw the previews a couple days ago . . . foggy mornings--glaciers melting.

This morning the fireplace smells like damp charcoal.

Oh and there were thunderstorms last night.

yep yep yep . . . .it's the Rain Channel

Contrary to popular thought . . . .the Snow Channel is more interesting than the Rain Channel. At least when nothing much is happening, you can distract yourself with the tracks and trails left in the freshly fallen snow. Sort of a Poloroid snapshot that develops during the day.



Well . . .

Rain . . . just sort of makes things wet.

EVENTUALLY I'll see buds and bugs and flowers and birds.

EVENTUALLY I'll be able to stick my nose out the window and take deep breaths of interesting things . . . (like bbq!)

But for now . . .

Just Rain.

Lots and lots of rain. . . . .. . .

It's a napping sort of day.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's Science Revelation

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

--Douglas Adams

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

no plan no plan what to do today?

I have no plan
for what to do today

Permission to nap

see ya

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More than that

I am a cat.

I know more than you think I do.
I heal more than you think I can.
I see more than you suspect is possible.

I am a cat.

Nothing saying I have to USE my super powers . . . .
I'd rather take a nap.

I am a cat.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What do we have here?

Expedition is called for.
Will report back soon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

28 days to Spring

And we have a Winter Weather Advisory.
Probably 5-8 inches of snow by tomorrow evening.


I shall be a Scrabble master by the time this winter has left us.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mom and Dad have a bet

Dear Dad,

You have got to be kidding.

Love love love

PS There is NO WAY I'm going to let you use that pedipaw thing on my claws.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A request for the 4 Star Nap room.

I'm so cute.
Aren't I cute?
I'm really really cute.

See I'm using my cute voice.
The light one with a chirrup on the end.
That kitten voice, that says I am SO sweet and adorable.

See see see
I am cute
And so well behaved.

You can trust me
I'd like in the bedroom now
Please please please

I hear you approach the door.
Perhaps purring so much louder tipped my hand
But I am SO cute

Yes, yes! Pick me up and let me in the bedroom!
I have an appointment for a nap on the bed

and WAIT!
I'm not purring anymore!

You're taking me away from the door.
No no no no I can't hear you

I don't want to be held.
I want in the bedroom.
You think that just because Dad has allergies and the bed linens have to be cat fur free that I care?

I don't care about that!
I NEED to nap on the bed!
(push!) ~~SWIPE~~ Let me go!

I do not like these rules.

I do not like you.

Not this morning.

Not when I have to nap in the pony fort . . . again.

I am going to go sulk now.

Keep your kittie treats to yourself.

I am NOT interested.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I do not like change . . . .

Some genius just moved the food bowl.
So now I have to go 3 more feet to snack.

Not liking this plan.

Will likely stage a revolt.

Maybe after a nap.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Are you my Valentine?


Friday, February 13, 2009


I know you're excited.
It is Friday after all.

You do realize that for cats--every day is Friday.


We have it ALL!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Please can I have some too?

In order to clarify my position I submit to you the following well known fact.

I like yogurt.

Now seeing as you are eating yogurt at this very moment, I figure that this is important information for you.

Remember . . . I LIKE yogurt.

That's why I'm sitting here staring at you. Yep--I'm right here. Right beside you. Staring at you. Staring at the spoon as you eat.

I don't need the spoon.

Just so you know.

I can eat yogurt without a spoon.

Because ilikeyogurt!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's too early!

go back to bed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

mom I love you

I really do.
you are the best.
THANK you for the sardines tonight.
I know they are stinky, but it was fun!

We should get together and do this again sometime.


Minding my own business, sitting in the pony fort reading a book and mom says to me, "Oh how sweet. I didn't know you were interested in . . . ."
And she read the title of the book, snatched it from me widdle pawz and told me, "Curiousity killed the cat."

What's wrong with wanting to know how to make a atomic bomb?

I'm just curious.

Cats ARE curious.

Big surprise!

. . . . . grump . . . .

Mom is maddening. She told me, "You can just stay curious."

I even tried my PussNBoots big cutsie eyes . . . no luck.

She just kissed me on the nose.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Crafty Kitty

mom mom mom mom mom
Where's Dad?
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
Whatcha doin?
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
I can help with that?
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
Let me help you
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
I can help pleeeeeze?
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
Really I can help
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
This is me helping
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
me help here
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
I can help
mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
You go get Dad and I'll help with this stuff

You're mean

I was just touching the glue sticks
I wasn't eating them
I don't care what Chester says


sulking now

It's all your fault
You leave dad at the airport and you won't let me help with a the paper and glue
Just SEE if I'll be friends now.


and I DID eat the ribbon.
You can have it back when I'm done with it.

Friday, February 06, 2009

No way you can see me now


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Time Out

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you relize that what you heard is not what I meant.

--Robert McCloskey

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I am invisible

heh heh heh

You can't see me.

But I see you.

I'm so close, I could bite your ankle . . . if I wanted to.

And you can't see me! nee ner nee ner nee ner . . HEY!


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I saw him! I saw him! I saw him!

Pete checked in at the front door this morning and because the front porch light was still on, I saw him! I saw him! I saw him!

He looks like ME!
Only a bit fluffier.

I asked him, "What's the winter prediction?"
He said, "Who wants to know?"
"Winter . . . six more weeks. . . .maybe eight."

Chester came over. "No?"
Oh NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Tiger came over. "NOOOOO?"

And then mom came over and told us to knock it off. "Cemetary Cat Yowls are not conducive to a pleasant yoga state. KNOCK IT OFF!"

Weather reports cannot be trusted to Groundhogs

Groundhogs aren't that bright. In fact they're also known as whistling pigs.

I say, let's let a smarter animal become the winter weatherman.
Pete the cat is already outside. He could do it, though the problem with cats is they aren't inclined to share information if there isn't something in it for them--like Sardines.

Or how about a Deer? THEY know what's going on. They watch the moon. They talk to the other animals. They get the buzz--better than some whistling pig sleeping in the ground.

Or an Owl. Owls are smart and they can FLY!

I would also trust a Blue Whale, a Hippo, some of those red birds seem trustworthy.

Must start a petition drive to get this taken care of before next year.

Yep yep yep ..................stretch...............
I'm getting right . . . .on that.
So . . . . . . outraged . . . . ~~~~~sigh~~~~~ . . . . . .

This is sooooooooooooooo comfy . . . . ahhhhhhhhhh . . .


I'll get right on that tomorrow.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Mom . . . I need a Valentine

February is here.
And once again, I do not have a Valentine.

Mom. Please. Get. Me. A Valentine.

One with will send me sardines and talk for hours about whether or not Penguins can fly.

I just want someone I can share my hobbies and interests with (But NOT share Sardines!).

So . .

get on that.

I'll be waiting.