Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oh the weather outside is frightful

Jon sent me this picture! He has SNOW!!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Two against one. We've got him now!


He is Sooooooooooooooooooooooo terrified.

Squirrel Godzilla

I think he knows Tae Kwon Do

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dad's HOME!!!!!

Dad came home and slept some good long cat hours--nearly 16 hours straight. He was really tired. Mom told me to keep quiet and pussy foot around--but I didn't see the point. It's my house after all.

There was a squirrel that harassed us on the deck. Chester and I tried to make out what he was saying but didn't quite get it. Tiger said it was rude. Tiger is older. So he would know.

Mom took photos--so maybe they'll be on the website soon!

OH! And I don't think anyone told Dad about my misadventures. It's just a hush hush kind of thing. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Added to the site on April 13th 2006
This is how Dougal has performed in 781 battles:
Won: 532 (68%)
Lost: 170 (22%)
Drawn: 79 (10%)
But all our kittens are winners really...


Shame is a psychological condition induced by the consciousness or awareness of dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.

Genuine shame is associated with genuine dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation. False shame is associated with false condemnation as in the double-bind form of false shaming; "he brought what we did to him upon himself".

Chester's been lecturing me. on and on and on . . . it's really annoying. He's made charts and graphs and threatened to set up surveillance cameras to PROVE what we all already know . . . but which I keep denying. He says that the only way to free my soul is to tell the truth and stop blaming Tiger and him. Like I really care about everlasting life at this point . . .

~~grumble grumble~~

Chester threatened to tell Dad.

I love Dad. I miss Dad.

Okay . . .

It was me. ONCE, one time. one time only!

I'm sorry Dad. I feel shame. I feel embarassment. I feel angry that Chester and Tiger won't let me blame them . . .

I'm sorry.

Please come home.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

blame game

FOR the record
I had NOTHING to do with it.
I said it was a bad idea.
I said, she won't be happy
I said, this is no way to negotiate.

But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
They wouldn't listen to me.
And like what am I supposed to do?
Stop them?
Like I have that power?

Mom won't let me have a taser.
And I'm pretty sure the squeaky mouse wouldn't hurt anybody no matter HOW hard you throw it.

It was NOT me.
I had NOTHING to do with it.
I think ist was aliens.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gray day go away

today is a gray day. Nobody's around to play with.
work work work . . . .


I'm bored.


I need some catnip


Maybe I'll just go chase Tiger. That's a good game!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Missing dad

Dad left for Korea again. Mom said his plane takes him around the Earth about 3 times and then lands in Japan . . . which is why it's already Monday where he's at. When he's done with Japan, he heads to Korea. It's a very very very long day when you're not an astronaut.

I miss him.

It isn't nearly as warm and cuddly here with him.

Mom is nice. But she's not dad.

She changed our cat litter . . . so . . .Thanks mom. But you're still not dad.

. . . . and I'm mad at her. She wouldn't let me go upstairs today. . . . . I don't think that's fair!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Cheese it . . . the cops

Well after a nice party party weekend . . . mom and dad showed up. So no more dancing on the ceiling. No more long distance phonecalls. No more drinking out of the toilet.

It was nice, though.

Mom and Dad turn the thermostat up and it's warmer when they're around. Cats like it warm. (but not too warm.)

Love you mom.
Love you dad.
Just keep that thermostat . . .right . . . about . . .THERE and I promise no accidents or misbehavior. Well . . . for awhile anyway.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Master Keys

The master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self-discipline necessary to help you ftake full and complete possession of your own mind.
--Napoleon Hill

. . . taking complete posession of my own mind could be a life long adventure . . . . when exactly do the RICHES show up?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tonight is the EXPO

Good luck mom! We love you very much and know you're putting lots of work into this thing called the EXPO.
Next year can I have a display too--and sign autographs?