Thursday, October 26, 2006

The weatherman says Bette Midler

Today's weather is cloudy, chance of rain and a Bette Midler.

Wow. That's a pretty "out there" prediction.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am a piece . . . of art.

I overheard mom say last night that I am beautiful enough that I should have my portrait painted.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Any kind of attention is good--but not as good as my own room.

Mom had this big long talk with me yesterday about how I'm not supposed to be so tempermental and how cats have a reputation for being aloof and cool. She's annoyed with me because I had a couple accidents on the counter and then . . . well I peed on the afghan right in front of her.

Mom . . . get a clue.

They weren't accidents. You have not been giving me enough attention and THEN I find out that the extra bedroom isn't for me at all. It's for the treadmill and yoga.

I'm mad.

You've hurt my feelings and I don't like it!

So lecture all you want. I enjoy the attention.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Halloween is coming!

Beware the black cat.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It's all about me, me. It's all about me.
Everything that's important involves me.

Mom and Dad just DON'T know when to wake up. I had to knock at the door several times last night. They are SO lazy.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Dad has the day off.

Me and Dad are hanging out. We're pals.
I'm helping him paint and clean and move furniture.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Three beautiful things

Three beautiful things:

A comfy mom or dad, leaning back on the couch under the reading light . . . a PERFECT spot to nap.

A snippy little chipmunk getting booted off the windowsill when Mom opens the window. (Sweet!)

String. (or ribbon) (or twine) (or yarn)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Something's changing

Dad's been painting again. Things are changing. There's furniture in the hallway and I hear the rattle of newspaper and tape and the rhythm of the paint roller.

Somethings up.

Could it be . . . I'm finally getting my own bedroom?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Just because you KNOW doesn't mean you'll DO it!

Yeah yeah yeah . . . I KNOW if I eat too fast I'll spit it up again. I KNOW. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop eating fast. Sometimes you just gotta!

Like you don't do stuff you know isn't good for you?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I don't CARE if I did something wrong.
It wasn't my fault. I think you made me do it. Or something. In anycase, I am not responsible.

Can I sit on your lap now?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just sitting around thinking.

I think there should be more stories about me.
I think there should be more movies about me.
I think that people should put signs up in their restaurants that say "Dougal ate here."
I think that people should have engraved plaques that say, "Dougal slept here. And here. And here."

I think that there should be letters coming in from fans requesting my autograph.
I think mom should take me to the photographer for professional head shots.
I think I would make tons of money as a male model.

I think . . . . I need a nap.