Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I SWEAR I just saw a penguin

In the front yard! Really really really!!!

He's here for me! To be my friend. I just KNOW it!!!!!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Don't forget to ask about the Sardine plan!

Jon Jon has a 2nd interview. They called him back to interview again this Friday. SO . . . Mr. Jon Jon . . . please make a list of important questions you'd like to ask of them. Such as: What is your stand on Free Sardines for lunch and do you extend this benefit to family members?

Sardines . . . . . oh man . . . I LOVE Sardines . . . .

Jim also has interviews lined up. He graduates in May and he's looking at MORE schools. Though one of them is in Santa Barbara . . . I mean seriously, there's education there? Or is it all Sunshine, pretty girls and surfing . . .

Jim also said he has to work on a speech. The Physics department has nominated him to give one of the student commencement speechs. Holy COW! That's a big deal. Jim's going to be on the JUMBOTRON!!!!!!

I can't wait to see it!

I wonder if they give ponies with their diplomas? It IS a land grant college . . . I'm sure they have extra ponies around SOMEwhere.

Another snowy day . . . .

It was a bad snow storm yesterday. It had freezing rain and sleet and then snow. The roads look kind of icky for driving. But then, Dad won't LET me drive his car. He says I have aggressive tendancies and that airbags weren't meant to protect feline drivers.

I won't even get started about that seat belt thing. I mean HOW are you supposed to touch the pedals when they put this constraining LEASH on you?

Jon Jon's interview went pretty good. Now he has to write thank you notes and hope to hear something in the next week.

I tried to tell him that I got THIS job simply by running across the vet clinic's waiting room, running up the leg of my new mom and giving her kisses. Worked like a charm.

Jon said that that really wasn't the way to get a job in the REAL world.

~~HA!~~ . . . like this isn't the real world? comfy cozy cushions, sardines upon request and lots of pets and love? If this isn't the real world, I don't want to know what the real world. is!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Make a Wish!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Jon jon has a job interview today! Mom and Dad gave him lots advice. Some of it may even have been helpful.

Chester, Tiger and I, however are resorting to magic spells to help Jon out. We don't even know what it is he does . . . something something physics . . . something something technology . . . something something solid state . . . SO if his career is in magic, we should clearly USE magic to help him with his karma on this job interview.

We're using a very very old spell. Ancient.
Always works.

I yell GO GREEN and Chester responds GO WHITE and then I say GO GREEN and then Chester says GO WHITE and Tiger dances. Repeat until exhausted.

We asked mom for green and white face paint but she said, "I think not."

(We also learned this week that if you sleep with a spoon under your pillow, there will be a snow day!--it's TRUE!!!!!!!!!)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Grandma is 80 today.

That's Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllly old.

And she still can't say my name right . . . she calls me Doug all . . . My name is DOOGULL!

What could be a better present than ME?

Hallmark . . . when you care enough to send the very best.

Here's a good game

Knock the corks off the plate onto the floor.
Extra points if you can get the trash can.
Extra special points if you can hit the trash can after richocheting off the wall!

There were originally 24 corks . . . I'm down to the last 11.

What a GREAT game!

Those are NOT cookies!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I don't have a job.

I don't like it when people come home from seeing the doctor. They're sad.
Then again, they like to hold me and I purrrrrrrr really loudly and mom said that helps her feel better. So I guess I DO have a job after all.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Anyplace that has canned fish in the vending machines can't be all bad!

Mom went with Dad down to his new office over the weekend. They were picking up his company car. It was a bright sunny day and I asked to go, but Mom said, "no, honey, it's best if you take your cat naps at home. Remember? You don't like to ride in the car. You sing along with the radio and it gives everyone a headache."

I enjoy singing. Is that so wrong?

I stayed home. ~~sigh~~

Mom said Dad's office is very nice. It has new furniture and the windows bring in a lot of daylight. There's an atrium area in the middle of the building which is very pretty. Big tall palm trees grow there.

The vending machines in the cafeteria have canned BBQ mackeral snacks. Oh man! MY KIND OF PLACE!!!

Mom brought me some home to show me.

I love mom.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Jim took this photo

It's ICE! from that ice storm we had back in January.
I'd like some ice in my juice, too. And maybe a sprig of mint!

Order please

I am very hungry every morning and Mom says . . . "There's the dry cat food. Have fun"

What kind of place IS this? I think we should have better service than this.

I would like, grilled salmon with tinned mice on the side, garnished with a little itsy bit of hard boiled egg and just a wee bit of sardine sauce.

and for dessert, I would like blueberry pancakes with REAL maple syrup and whipped cream with a cherry on top.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dessert of Breakfast

How come there aren't more desserts served at breakfast?
It's the most important meal of the day.

I say we need more desserts at breakfast!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

WHAT? School wasn't CANCELLED?

But look at all the snow.
Well . . . there is a lot of snow. The roads are still snow covered . . .
And it's Valentine's Day!!!!!!!
There should be a snow day . . . . so we could sit by the fire and eat cuppycakes . . . . .

Well there was a BIT of drifting

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just started . . . .

We'll see what it looks like tomorrow morning. They're saying LOTS of snow today.

Weather forecast says


Monday, February 12, 2007


It's almost valentine's day and I don't have my valentine's done! I have no chocolate bought, I need to order flowers and I was going to MAKE a cake this year. From scratch. I need to get some eggs and some flour and . . . . .
~~man that sounds like a lot of work.~~
Maybe . . . I'll just take a little ol' kittie nap . . . just a short one . . . just a little one. . . . oh yeah . . . yeah . . . this is the comfy place.
~~heavy sigh~~
I love holidays.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Appetite for

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hello Mr. Squirrel

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Things to do on a cold day

1. sleep in the sunbeams.
2. stretch
3. find some kitten snacks
4. sleep on the big fuzzy comforter
5. roll over
6. sleep some more
7. move over and make room for your brother to share some of the big fuzzy comforter.
8. purr
9. Wait for mom to come home and start a fire.
10. Wait for dad to come home and then sit on his lap while he tries to read, watch tv, sit by the fire, have dinner, make phone calls and check his email.

I know how to make dad feel guilty for leaving us alone in this cold cold house all day. I say things like cold cold house and I give him big Puss n Boots eyes.

Actually, it isn't that bad around here. A little quiet.
A little boring, unless the squirrels decide to fight over the corn on the cob out back . . . but otherwise, a very pleasant life.

I like it LOTS!!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Snow Day!

Actually it was a "way too cold to have school day" The wind chill was a bizillion under zero and so it was all cats by the fire place for a very lazy day.
~~yawn~~ I LOVE snow days.
They are the awesome best.
Too bad mom and dad aren't in school anymore and had to go to work anyway.
Dad said his work was having trouble with the building heater today and Mom said her office was freezing every time the front door opened. There's no entry breezeway and all the cold air rushes through the 5 offices and the meeting room.
Too bad for them.
More cat naps for us.

Friday, February 02, 2007

And there was a baby elephant too.

Actually, mom says there were TWO baby elephants

Baby giraffe!!

Mom was telling me about her trip to Animal Kingdom and how they saw a baby giraffe!


Mom said she saw Tinkerbell FLY!
And she has a Tinkerbell tattoo on her ankle. I SAW it!

She told me I couldnt' lick it--it might come off--and she wanted to show Dad.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dad's coming home tonight

Happy happy day! Dad is coming home!! Yay!!!!
Happy cat dance.
Happy happy cat dance.
He's coming home and he gets to be home the Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooole weekend. Yay!!!!!!

It IS Izzy!

The bald guy with the camera is Izzy. He's from Clarkston too!
WHAT are the odds that we'd run into him at Disney, take his picture and confirm it was him--WITHOUT talking to him there?