Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad

Dad's birthday was Sunday and there were two parties for him on Saturday. One was the family group and then later in the evening there were friends over.

Mom made TWO cakes and they were ALL GONE. No crumbs for kittens AT ALL.

Dad got three wishes that day. I don't know if he's used them yet. One for blowing out the candle on the first cake. One for blowing out ALL the candles on the second cake. And one for the shooting star he saw as we were sitting on the deck telling stories and chuckling and having a really really nice time.

Dad . . . I love you.

I wish for you joy.

I wish for you peace of mind.

I wish for you a lifetime supply of sardines--wrapped in little tins and delivered to the door by the nice UPS guy.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Just a little bit of work today

Mom and Dad are working today, but Mom's taking a 1/2 day. Then she and Jon are going up to Birch Run to do some shopping.

Saturday night Mom, Dad and Jon went to Erin's wedding reception. She was very pretty.

They didn't serve the food until 9:30 and Dad was hungry and tired, because he had just come back from Korea. Even mom was yawning.

They don't stay up late anymore. I know. I TRY to get them to stay up late, but they don't.

Jon look very nice with shirt and tie. He almost wore a similar tie to dad's favorite orange tie. And then Dad spilled food on his orange tie. If Mom can't get the stains out that will be the SECOND orange tie that bit the dust.

Poor dad. He really loves that tie.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dad's home

We're napping on the couch

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ponies penguins and planes

Jon jon came home last night. It's been like . . . since CHRISTMAS that he's been home. He only brought one suitcase but maybe the crate of sardines is coming UPS. That would be hard to carry on an airplane.

We watched Burn Notice last night and I gave him lots of love. It was so nice to have him home. I told him about how Mom's mean to me and only gave me TWO pirate ships to play in and how she took away my paper fort and then suggested I go play in a BOX instead of running through all the bank statements.

And THEN mom said, "Dad's on the airplane." Just before she went to bed.

I'm so confused. If he was on the airplane, why didn't Jon get him too?

Mom said, "Dad has a car, he'll drive home from the airport himself."

But mom . . . if you were AT the airport, why didn't you just bring him home too?

I am just a cat but I think that would make more sense than making Dad sleep on an airplane and THEN come home.

Jim sent an email yesterday--he said HE's coming home next week.

Happy happy cat dances. There will be SO many people and SO many sardines. And maybe maybe I'm going to get another pony or a penguin. I really really really like ponies and penguins. They are your friends.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More clues

Well she changed sheets on 3 beds . . .

So is EVERYBODY coming home? This is a puzzler.

There's still only one cake . . .

Jon called last night and he knew about the cake . . . maybe he's coming home? But Jim sent a long email and Dad said he was packing up in Korea.

I'm so confused. I'm almost afraid to hope. Maybe everyone IS coming home!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A HA! A clue

Mom is baking a cake.

That means somebody is coming home. I know this mostly because she's singing, "If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a cake."

A CLUE . . .

Excellent . . . .

Who could it be . . . who could it be . . . .

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mysterious Cat Detective!

Mom and I have cleaned up the study. There are no more papers on the floor. None at all. She put them in files and books and there's a few that are still in a pile, but most of them are taken care of.

Now Jon has 2 big books of writing and artwork and certificates and news clippings and stuff fro his school days.

I love Jon. He made lots and lots and lots of pictures of cats. They are great pictures of cats, though mostly tiger cats--not enough black cats.

Jim makes pictures of black cats. And he write mysteries.

I like mysteries. They're intriguing.

. . . . . .

I think I'll write my memoirs. Jon could illustrate them and Jim could turn it into a made for TV mystery show. yeah . . . I like that idea.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mom said I can't play in the papers

Well APPARENTLY she had nice neat little piles. She's been sorting paperwork for two days.

So APPARENTLY it's not cool to run through them.

Or to dance on them or to dive under them or to try and dig under them and make a fort.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Oh WOW . . . Rabbits

Jon Jon sent us this link to a story about a lady who was hoarding RABBITS out in Oregon. It's kind of funny . . . . and a little sad.

I especially liked the part where she stole the rabbits back from the police.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dear Dad,

I have been a very good kitten. I slept on the couch. Ate all of my tinned mice without burping and I made sure to give mom 1,000 sandpaper kisses this morning before she went to work.

Chester and Tiger and I have kept all burglers, aliens and spiders away. We have not seen any bees since you've left.

Today the tree people came. We watched them spray the trees. They used over 25 gallons of fungicide and insectide.

I like the tree people. They are very interesting. They wave to me when they go by the windows and they brought the newspapers up to the front door (Mom was off to work so early that the papers weren't around yet).

Love love love

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

JON said that they gave him a Chocolate Defibrilator today at work.

I didn't know what a defibrilator looks like so he sent me this picture.

Chocolatey goodness. No wonder so many people prefer Biotronik Defibrilators!
Dad, please tell mom that you said it was okay for me to sleep on the bed. She's making us go to the basement at night. She said something like, "You run around all night and you keep me up. Basement Dougal . .. Basement."

It is nicer in the basement.

And mom did make some cozy cushion areas for us to stretch out and nap.

But I'd REALLY rather sleep on the big bed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

When I grow up I want to be a History Detective.
That show is SO cool.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The photo doesn't really do justice to the magic of this moment.
The morning sun was hitting the lightpost and the cardinal and his crown lit up like he was glowing--sent from God with a special message, "The early bird, gets the worm."

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Updating my blog is exhausting.

Time for a nap.

I just need to close my eyes for a bit and wait for Dad to wake up in Korea and see my new posts!

It's very odd, but Blogspot doesn't let me do titles anymore--it does an auto fill for the day and date. . . . oh well.

Here are some photos showing how hard mom's been working.

She keeps moving the litter boxes . . . which I'm not so sure I like, but I will tolerate it.

She's getting rid of spiders and spider webs.

I love her.



Saturday, July 07, 2007

For some reason, Dad packed up his suitcases and left this morning. Mom said he'll be back in time for Erin's wedding, but that's TWO WEEKS AWAY.

I don't like all this travel stuff.
They go to airports. They don't take me. I'm left sitting around the house. It's not FAIR!
I've seen Charlie Brown. Snoopy can fly and he's a DOG! I'm much more well behaved. I should be able to fly.

Mom whispered to me that there's a secret!
Jon's finished his internship and will defend his thesis on Friday the 13th.
But that's not the secret.
And then he's flying home for Erin's wedding. He'll actually be home before Dad gets back from Korea.
But that's not the secret.
And then Jim's flying home two days before Dad's birthday.
But that's not the secret.
She said that those fancy handmade invitations with pictures of Dad at a year old wearing Mickey Mouse ears were SENT OUT to family and friends and that Dad's going to have a birthday party at the end of the month.
But that's not the secret.

She told me the secret.
But I can't tell. Cause Dad reads this blog, even when he's in Korea.

It's not a big secret, just a wee little one. But it's a good one.
We love you Dad.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

2nd Monday

Mom says that after having July 4th off, that Thursday feels like a 2nd Monday this week.

You know . . . as a cat . . . I have to say that . . . frankly--EVERY day is a Monday. Unless you get Sardines.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bad Dream

I dreamed last night that I was in a very small pirate boat in a hurricane and the boat was rocking and rocking and the wind was blowing and blowing and someone yelled out "PoodleDeeDoo!" and then there was lightening.

I'm not sure what it meant but . . .

I'm really tired today.

I need to find some sunshine and take a nap.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Mom is so very sad.
I'm sorry mom. I didn't know. It was when I was a young and silly kitten. I am so sorry.

She was cleaning the basement. She had her manuscripts down there . . . from a long time ago. And all of her rejection slips. See, she used to write a lot. And she'd submit the books for publication and she was almost published once . . . then her editor got fired.

Well kittens . . . they were bad and they . . . well . . . the manuscripts were stinky and all stuck together.

Mom sat down on the floor and just looked at the boxes. I knew she was stunned. I knew she was very very sad.

I saw her cry. She didn't yell or anything. Just put the stuff into garbage bags and was sad for the rest of the afternoon.

She said they were lousy manuscripts anyway. She was going to burn them. she said that she would have preferred to burn them. It would have been more about her taking control of an old dream . . . but finding the box in the corner-long forgotten and . . . well . . . peed on. . . . it was very sad.

Dreams shouldn't get peed on.

. . . When mom is done with the basement there will be no place to pee but in litter boxes. While this is a good thing . . . I'm still a little embarassed . . . . we were young and silly and used to pee in places we shouldn't have . . .

I'm sorry mom.

I'm so very sorry that you're sad and that you were a lousy writer anyway . . . there . . . I said it.

Can I still have sardines tonight?


Mom has the day off and she's continuing the paint the basement . . .
Mom . . .it's TOO EARLY! Go back to bed.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


so there's this OTHER place where mom blogs and puts up photos--it's on FACEBOOK. Jon and Jim are on Facebook too. And NOW they added a feature called CATBOOK to Facebook and I have my own profile!

I love the internet.

More people can learn about the fabulous, wonderful me.
They can see pictures of me.
They can know everything there is to know about my life and I can make FRIENDS from all over the world.

Wow, man . . . . that's like . . . wow.

Now if they'd add computer dating to catbook, I would REALLY be happy! :)