Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A fort is a fort, is a fort a fort. Unless of course it's a fort a fort.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This is Paolo, my pen pal in San Diego. He's swimming with his mom.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Space . . . the final frontier

Cats Like Space

Something good to watch in August.

Over the weekend I watched "The Right Stuff". It was good movie, even though there were no cats or birds in it. I liked the NASA training segments best. It looked like a lot of cat toys. I would be good at that. I am a pretty talented cat.

The only thing better than shows about SPACE are shows about ponies. But there are a lot more shows about space than there are about ponies. An untapped market--someone should take a look at this and realize it's time for ponies.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I like straws.

A short poem

Oh note the two round O's in Oreo.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh wow!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Monday, June 20, 2005

Yes I'm in my fort. What do you want? You have CAT TREATS?!

Look to the Left

Look to the Right

Time for TREATS!

The Kon Tiki

The dad got a really cool hammock for Father's Day. It has a wood curved holder and it looks like a Viking Ship. I sat on the hammock with him for awhile.

It needs a flag in the back. (I am currently designing my own Dougal Flag) and maybe a carved head of a handsome cat at the front. I've seen pirate ships. I watched Master and Commander. I know that these ships have these things.

I will make some drawings today and see how they look.

I am calling it the Kon Tiki after my very good friend, who is also known as Rabbit #5.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Vegetables are good for you! Here I am eating a tomato. I LOVE tomatoes.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Licking my chops. "Is that Tuna on your breath?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ahhhh California Cabernet . . . my favorite.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Mom takes a nap. I get coffee . . . emmmmmmmm with CREAM!

The view is good from up here. That is why I've ALWAYS wanted a pony!

I like to ride on people's backs, but aren't as cooperative as a pony would be.

I would like a pony

If I had a pony, I'd name it George. I would ride on the pony's back and everyone would bring me kitty treats. They would say what a handsome cat. What a very smart cat. What a delightfully charming cat.

I need a pony.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I am learning how to make a salad.


Today is the birthday of Jon. He and I were talking about gifts last night. It was about 3:00 in the morning and I went in to see if he was sleeping. I thought he was, but I couldn't really tell so I got up on the bed, walked over him and stuck my nose in his face. He wasn't sleeping after all!

So we had a good talk about gifts and birthdays and how wonderful it is to be a cat and not know how to tell time.

I told Jon I'd really like a pony for my birthday. He said he didn't want a pony. Not this year. He is packing up and moving to Oregon, he thought a pony might take up too much room in the car.

I would also like more forts. I have a new Spartan flag fort that is fun to sleep in. It's in the living room.

I also have a nice boat in the dining room. I call it my pirate ship. It is a plastic tub that someone brought home and it is perfect for playing pirate.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I like forts

Sunday morning

I had a dream last night that I was chasing a bunny around the yard. It was a fast bunny and he made quick turns to the right, to the left. He laughed and he danced and when we were really tired, we sat under the apple tree and told jokes.

Rabbits know some pretty silly jokes.

Knock knock
Who's there
Rabbit who?
Bugs Bunny

I tried to tell him that's not how a knock knock joke works but he was laughing so hard . . . it was funny anyway.

I like rabbits.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

By popular demand--another baby pix.

Important life lesson

It is my experience that the more you try to control things, the more likely it is that something will go snap and bonk you in the face. I am sure that this is somehow related the physics of Karma.

For example: What goes around comes around.
If you bite someone in the butt . . . they will bite you in the butt too--any possible chase you down the stairs.

If you are sweet and loving and give 1,000 sandpaper kisses . . . you will get love back.

These are things all cats know.

We also know that sometimes you feel that biting someone in the butt is worth getting bitten back.

Cats are mysterious and unpredictable. That's just the way we are.

Friday, June 10, 2005

What do you mean you want it back?

Hey Pookie, GUESS WHO?

What is this?

Seriously Dude, it's nap time, keep it down.

To do list

Things to do today:
1. Eat
2. Make note to tell the staff here that "Senior Citizen anti-furball cat food" sucks. Where are the SARDINES!
3. Check for Robins out the North window.
4. Nap on table.
5. Check for chipmunks out the West windows.
6. Nap on ottoman
7. Spend some time in the Spartan Fort
8. Train Chester and Tiger with some kitty aerobics. Bite them if they refuse to jog.
9. Nap time in the fort.
10. Listen to some Oakenfold at high volumn
11. Watch Jonjon play some video games. I liked the race cars best, but right now he's into flying.
12. Nap on the TV room chairs.
13. Stretch
13. Nap again . . . a little more laid back.
14. Invest in some quality bath time.
15. Nap.
16. Greet the master of the house at the door when he comes home from work.
17. Talk about Sardines with the Master of the House.
18. Nap.
19. Run run run
20. Hide things under the rug.
21. Try to sneak into the master bedroom to nap.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I had nothing to do with it.

I said I like you

What is wrong with people. You say you like them and they want to hold you. You say you like them and they think they can carry you around. They say they like you and they never never never never ever buy you Sardines.

I mean, really. If you loved me, wouldn't you buy me Sardines.


Sardines, dude. Sardines!!!

Where is the darn focus button!

Friends are worth 1,000 sandpaper kisses

"I Like" a Cat Poem

I like sitting in the sunshine.
I like chasing all the fat cats.
I like watching chipmunks dancing.
I like napping in your lap.

I like TV cooking shows
I like watching horses run
I like sleeping on the big bed
I like being with my friends

I like eating plastic garbage bags
I like knocking flowers over
I like jumping over child gates
I like greeting you at the door

I like sucking on tomatoes
I like licking ice cream bowls
I like just a sip of wine
I like toothpaste, shaving cream and perfume.

I like garlic and onions
I like watching robins in the yard
I like listening to jazz
I like knowing you're my best friend

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Dougal Lee Woogally

My best friends bring me sardines.


I have many millions of friends. Well thousands. That's because I am so handsome and witty and dashing. I can amaze my friends, do magic, walk on water, and hide straws.

Occassionally I write letters. I have written to Santa Claws, but he never wrote back. He just brought me cat nip and stuffed mice. He's a nice guy.

As you can see, however, I am a generous friend. I will share things. Sometimes.

And I like it when you give me gifts. That is the sign of a really good friend--when they give you things. I like sardines. You can get me sardines. Then you can be my friend.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pope Dougal McGuire . . . it could've happened.

What's a Dougal?

Apparently Dougal is a well known priest from Craggy Island, Ireland. In fact he was almost made Pope.

So it is only natural that a fantastic cat such as myself would be named for a great and wonderful person.

My first day at my new home. I like Liver and Bacon.

A star is born

I was born on September 11, 2001. I was one of many in my family but a fire destroyed my house. My siblings and I survived but mom . . . was missing. After rescuing me and two sisters, she went back into the house and never returned.

It was a very long time ago, I hardly remember it at all. The firemen took me to a Veterinary Hospital where one of their mom's worked. I was fed with eyedroppers . . . and treated really nice. (Except for the shots)

When I was about 6 (weeks) I found a nice couple in the waiting room, figured the lady was a softie and ran up her leg to give her kisses. Since that time I've lived with them. I didn't realize they had other cats . . . but I've figured them out. They're old. They need exercise. And they don't bug me . . . much.

In my long life, I have learned many things. These things I will share with you. And then you will know these things.