Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mom has a new quilt

Aunt Kathy made it, using the scraps from Jon and Jim's quilts. So these quilts are all cousins!!!!
And they go COAST (Oregon) to COAST (New York).
I told mom to put this one on the comfy chair by the back door so I can cuddle up and watch for penguins to come to our bird feeder.
She said no. . . .
She's mean.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ain't we got fun

In the morning, In the evening. Ain't we got fun?

Me and my good friend Harvey Rabbit, napping on a cold January day.

Monday, January 28, 2008

mmmmmmmmmmm mouse meat

Three amigos

Round about 8:30 each evening, we get to share a can of tinned mouse meat.
It is one of the best times of the day.
We each get our own plates and it is SO tasty!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Mom and Dad went dancing without me!!!!!

Mom and Dad got all dressed up last night and went to this Dinner that Mom was MCing. There was dancing and mom said she twirled and had a good time.

I TOLD her I know how to dance.
I TOLD her I LOVE black tie events.
I TOLD her I would be very good and keep my snoot out of the shrimp appetizers . . .but nooooooooooooooo . . . I had to stay home and babysit Chester and Tiger.

Life is SO unfair.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dance on snowflakes

I dreamed last night that there was one oreo cookie left and I won it by showing everyone how I could dance on snowflakes.

It was a beautiful dream.

But I don't even LIKE Oreos . . . Now if it had been SARDINES!!!!!!!!!!! That would be something.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dougal rhymes with Google

Mom and Dad are back from their "weekend away" in Quebec.
The best part of the at home getaways are that I get to enjoy the fires, the games and the great dinners too. Too many 4 star restaurants have dress codes that discriminate against cats.

There was dancing.
Candlelit dinners and a Pirate Movie Marathon!

I prefer All Creatures Great and Small (and golf) . . . . those British cat actresses have the cutest accents . . . oh it makes me shiver and giggle . . . they're just so Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!

And golf is very interesting. I could watch and watch and watch and watch and watch and watch and watch it on tv for hours. And despite how carefully I watch I have yet to see ONE of those birds that's twirping in the background. Or see an airplane . . . though I did see the SHADOW of an airplane . . .

I learned this weekend that Dougal rhymes with Google.

I find that kind of amusing. I didn't know I rhymed with anything. I suppose it's better than being Orange.

Friday, January 18, 2008

While researching I found this

It's nice to know people work hard to protect birds.
And bunnies.

Travel plans . . . . . hmmm . . .passport ready--LET'S GO!

Quebec City

Country: Canada

Quebec City by the Numbers:
Population: 671,000
Elevation: 575 feet
Average Annual Rainfall: 34 inchesAverage
Annual Snowfall: 130 inches
Average January Temperature: 18 degrees F
Average July Temperature: 77 degrees F

Quick Facts:

Major Industries: Aerospace, timber, pulp and paper, metallurgy, and hydro power

Ethnic Mix: Canadian 41.8%, French 38.6%, combined origin 13.5%, other 4.7%, British 1.4%.

Electricity: 110 volts AC, 60 Hz; regular two-pin and grounded three-pin US-style plugs are standard.

Time Zone: GMT - 5 ( GMT - 4 from first Sunday in April to last Sunday in October ).
Country Dialing Code: 1
Area Code: 418

Did You Know?
In the city of Quebec the people have a festival called Quebec City's Carnival each winter. The festival has been celebrated since 1880. Quebec is one of the most intriguing cities on the North American continent. As the major center of French Canada, Quebec has more than a touch of European charm, with most of the population being bilingual-- capable of speaking French and English.Orientation:Quebec lies partly on the Atlantic seaboard in the far east of the USA's northern neighbor. Quebec City, located in the south of the province near the border with the US state of Maine, is pooled on top of and below the cliffs of Cape Diamond ( Cap Diamant ) at the confluence of the St Charles and St Lawrence rivers.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

You really shouldn't go
Baby it's cold outside

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wing prints in the snow

Snow snow snow

It started snowing yesterday afternoon and a bird came down to greet me at the back door. Mom figured that out when she got home and saw these odd footprints in the snow. Bird Bird . . and what the heck is that?

Turns out it was very clear BIRD WING prints. Just the tips of the wings (left ones) as they landed. She was going to quick take a picture but alas . . . the camera is at work.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Roasty Toasty Kitty Nap Time

Dad's taking down the outside Christmas Lights . . . I guess Christmas is really and truly over.

I'm cold.

Mom, can you make a fire in the fireplace today? I need some serious kitty nap time and a toasty fire would really help.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Reflecting . . . and staring

It's hard to believe, when you look out the window today, but it is a beautiful world.

Yesterday I was reflecting on how different each Season is. How delightful it is to be outside in the summer, sleeping on the hammock with Dad, watching the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Hearing the birds singing, chirping, and realizing they have different songs for different times of the day.

I still haven't LEARNED bird talk, but I'm beginning to see patterns.

I enjoy the Autumn, when the leaves suddenly reveal their secret identities, and they fall to the ground whipping around in the wind and creating abstract art on the sidewalks and shrubs.

Winter--especially that DUMP of SNOW with big fluffy flakes, is a nice time. I don't go out in that, but it does create this kind of muffled world when I hear the front door open. Mom and Dad will make fires in the fireplace when it's snowy out and I like that A LOT!

But most of all, right now, I'm learning that I like Spring better and better. Spring used to just be kind of a drab, wet, sort of muddy time of year.

As I get older, I am appreciating more of the nuances of Spring. The normal Bird Channel Birds get an influx of southern cousins--colors get brighter. It's subtle but, day to day, the buds on the trees, the tulips and daffodils push push push out into the world. Sometimes you can stare for a very long time and SEE the buds emerging.

I'm very good at staring.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

I really really miss you Christmas Tree.
It was SO nice playing fort and wilderness and Planet X and Pirate adventure island and Hide and Seek and Cat Nap Park . . . .
Until next year.
Oh Christmas Tree
You are the best

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Watching the snow fall--January 1, 2008

And one week later it's all gone.

Monday, January 07, 2008

It's about TIME!

Dad now has photos of me at work.

Everyone will be SO amazed and SO impressed when they see me. My favorite is the one where I have an umbrella in my mouth. That is from a couple years ago, but I think it captures the essance of my personality.

I'm curious.
I'm handsome.
And I'm not afraid of looking silly if there's a stick involved.

I'm happy today.

Today will be a very very good day.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I like Golf

It has nice sticks.

Mom and Dad got xBox 360 for Christmas and Tiger Woods is an AWESOME game. I could watch it for hours and hours.

There's these sticks.

And the people.

And I try to touch them but they must be very far away because I can't touch them.

I really really really like golf.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

While on the one hand, this is going to be a hard New Year, it starts with Jon and Jim flying back home and we had a LOT of snow dumped last night . . . I hope their flights aren't delayed, this should be a good New Year.

I intend to be more fit this year. Lot's more yoga and naps and even some up the stairs sprints! I am a powerful cat and I intend to use it (or I'll lose it!) this next year.

I see Tiger . . . he's kind of losing his agility and strength. I do NOT want to be like that, so I will do my best to be strong, quick and cunning!

I also intend to be more organized AND more spontaneous this year.

And I intend to be true to me. Other people's expectations can make me feel bad about myself. You know what? I'm not going to let it bother me. It's THEIR issue if they think I'm supposed to sit up and beg, roll over or come when called.

I'm not a dog.

I'm a cat.

The most wonderful cat in the entire world.

Happy New Year!