Monday, February 26, 2007

Another snowy day . . . .

It was a bad snow storm yesterday. It had freezing rain and sleet and then snow. The roads look kind of icky for driving. But then, Dad won't LET me drive his car. He says I have aggressive tendancies and that airbags weren't meant to protect feline drivers.

I won't even get started about that seat belt thing. I mean HOW are you supposed to touch the pedals when they put this constraining LEASH on you?

Jon Jon's interview went pretty good. Now he has to write thank you notes and hope to hear something in the next week.

I tried to tell him that I got THIS job simply by running across the vet clinic's waiting room, running up the leg of my new mom and giving her kisses. Worked like a charm.

Jon said that that really wasn't the way to get a job in the REAL world.

~~HA!~~ . . . like this isn't the real world? comfy cozy cushions, sardines upon request and lots of pets and love? If this isn't the real world, I don't want to know what the real world. is!


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