Monday, March 10, 2008

Pop quiz time

Pop Quiz.
1. Hamburger Helper or Filet Mignon?
2. Van or sedan?
3. Yellowstone Park or Disneyland?
4. McDonald's or Olive Garden?
Olive Garden, I'm pretty sure I'd find Dad there.
5. Board games or video games?
Well both have their appeal. I enjoy Tiger Woods Golf, but Board games have so many delightful cat toys as part of the experience. And then there's Disney Scene it! It's a Board game AND a video game!
6. Snow bunnies or water babies?
Ewww . . . Neither . . . .Fireside Chat!
7. Early birds or Night owls?
Both. I enjoy both ends of the day. The middle part is best for sleeping.
8. Road trip or air travel?
I think I'd really like a RV. I'd drive to Montana and find me some rabbits.
9. White or wheat?
Sardines come in "wheat?"
10. On the team or in the bleachers?
Neither . . . napping on the sofa.


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