Friday, February 29, 2008

How am I supposed to be cultured if I can't go to museums?

Just when I think mom and I are going to have a great day off--she tells me that she has to get around because it's Sisters Day.

Oh for Pete's Sake! Sisters Day AGAIN? This means she'll be gone all day, giggling and telling stories and I'm not invited.

I just KNOW they talk about me behind my back.

Today's agenda is a trip to the Detroit Institute for Arts. I heard mom on the phone last night trying to talk Aunt Kathy and Aunt Julie into dressing up. Aunt Kathy said, Jeans are fine--Aunt Julie said, "Avant garde dressing up? I don't have anything like that."

I hope she takes pictures.

And once again. . . I am discriminated against. NO CATS at the museum.

Who ever makes these rules must really really hate cats.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I have magical powers

I made Dad a get well card and
He's getting well.
I am magical. :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Anchovies are fishes too.

Dad and I got pizza again last night. :)

When he got home from work he said he wasn't hungry and mom said, "uh oh . . . you need something that will tempt your appetite. You didn't even eat your lunch!"

So she whipped up some dough and made homemade pizzas.

Did you know that anchovies are fishes too?

Not that Dad would put any on his side of the pizza. He told me he loved me but NO FISHES on the pizza!

Monday, February 25, 2008

. . . . more snow coming . . . . ~~sigh~~

It was a wonderful weekend. Dad's been sick with bronchitis and he can hardly talk without ending up coughing, so he and I curled up in the afghan and watched a movie, played some golf and later built a fire.

He's much better today so I SUPPOSE that mean's he will be going to work . . . bummer.

Yesterday over breakfast, Mom and I were reading travel magazines again. She reads the good stuff out loud to me and we both dream about the sandy beaches, the clear mountain air, the luxury hotels or the backpack camping trips. We spent some time learning about the different islands in Hawaii and also some of the mountain treks in Peru.

We have an understanding. Dreaming is free. Dreaming is fun . . . but in the end, she sleeps better in her own bed and I prefer KNOWING my tinned mice will be served at 8:30 p.m. . . . every night. On the white plates with little blue flowers. Three plates. One for me. One for Tiger, One for Chester so we don't fight and we don't have to share.

We still dream. Mom's thinking of trying the language tapes again--(That was a LOT of fun! She got stuck on the 12th lesson in Italian and it was hysterical trying to hear her put the sentances together.) Mom said she didn't appreciate the cat snickering.

I know I know . . . it was bad of us to chortle, but languages come so easy to cats . . . it's really funny to hear her mistakes!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oops . . . mom noticed

There are pawprints on the screen of our TV.

Mom noticed.

I think she's hip to the fact that when Dad plays golf he lets me try and catch the stick and the ball.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don't forget the fishes

Mom said we're having paninni for dinner. Pressed Cuban Sandwiches with real cheese and ham and foccoccia bread.

I hope she remembers the sardines!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where's this so called "Lake?"

Every morning Mom gets up and turns on the radio while she makes Dad's hot tea, her hot coffee and prepares lunches.

And every morning the radio says two things. There's Lake Effect Snow Advisorys out and the stock market is down.

Someone needs to go check out where this so called Lake is and have a talk with them.

And someone needs to tell the stock market to knock it off. They play happy dancing music when the stock market goes up and when the stock market goes down they play sad, dirge music . . . .

I want the happy cat dancing music!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let's go to Micky D's!

Mom's getting a new car today.
I guess that means I FINALLY get the Cadillac as my very own car!

It's about time.
Can't wait to go tooling around the country in my own car. No need to wait for someone to remember I like to go for rides.

I'll be able to swing through McDonald's and get all the Filet of Fish (no tarter sauce) that I want. I'll just get one of those boopdeboop credit thingies that charge it to mom and dad immediately.

And I could order a milkshake too--vanilla with extra cream. Yum.

I can't wait!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I know Nothing!

And even if I did . . .
Talk to the paw.

I have my reasons.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Jon Jon


Roses are red
Violets are Blue
Beagles win trophies
And I love you

Love love love

Dear Jim

Loving you always and forever and ever
please please please be my VALENTINE!!!

Dear Dad

Love love love

Dear Mom

I love you.
Will you be my valentine?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mom says it's over 12 inches.

I would offer to help, but I don't

LIKE snow between my paws.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Freedom to Nap

Mom's training for a marathon.

I cannot think of anything MORE absurd.

If you have a nice comfy home, WHY would you want to run 26.2 miles?

I cannot understand people. They just don't get the basic joys of life.

The best joy of all is the freedom to nap. Nap in the sunshine, nap on the heating vent, nap on the back of the couch, nap in a warm lap. Napping here. Napping there.

THAT is what life is about.


They just don't get it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sled dogs are stupid . . . but I pity them just the same

It is very very cold today.

I once saw a picture of Alaskan sled dogs and I thought . . . "Piffle! . . . stupid dogs."

Now I just feel sorry for them. It's really really cold out there. Even though I have a fur coat and people to carry me, I do not want to go outside in this weather.

Nope nope nope

This is the kind of weather where I think about how great a fire place is, how lovely afghans are and how a perfect world is when mom and/or dad stay home sick from work and let me cuddle up to them while they read or watch TV.

Those are great days.

The best.

Jim called yesterday and his cold is finally getting better.

Jon called yesterday and he went shopping at IKEA.

Mom and Dad went to Chris's surprise 30th birthday party yesterday at Aunt Kathy's . . . whew! 30!! That's like WAY old.

Mom made an antipasta salad that had pruscuitto on it and did not even drop a BIT on the counter for me. Granted, the onion and fennel was kind of freaking me out. I don't like strong smelly stuff. But the pruscuitto . . . I think she could have spared just a bit for me.

Socrates Club is supposed to meet this morning, but I'm hoping Chester sleeps through it like he did yesterday. Chester's getting old and I have noticed that if you let him have the BEST comfy cushion spot he'll doze off and . . . . no school!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mom's pretty charts and graphs were a HIT!


She had to do a Board Retreat tonight and worked for a long time on charts and graphs to show the budget condition, event performance and the likeability index of black cats who are allowed to drive cars and ride ponies in the parade.

THEY LOVED the reports!!!!

I can't wait to get my car.

And my pony!!!!!!!!!!

I'm SURE I'm going to be the first cat Grand Marshall of a parade!! Woo Hoo!!!!

You really want to know why I grouchy?

Mom's had TWO tuna fish sandwiches in TWO days and didn't even give me a BITE!

I think that's just out and out RUDE!

Wait till she sees what I did to her suede boots! heh heh heh

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Cat Rant

Yesterday was Fat Tuesday and NOBODY brought me punchki.

Yesterday was Mardi Gras and I got NO beads! Even though I was adorable and affectionate and oh so handsome.

Yesterday was Super Tuesday and NOBODY voted for me.

This is not fair. It isn't logical and I'm really really annoyed.

No sardines. No ponies. No penguins. No TV reporters. No newspaper coverage of my every move. No TMZ papparrazi photos of me sneaking a cat nap.

What does a cat have to do to get some attention around here?

. . . . . . I am in a grumbly bumbly mood today. Everyone stay OUT OF MY WAY today!

At least until I get my first four naps.

Monday, February 04, 2008

~~sigh~~ . . . . Ponies

Ponies ponies ponies!!!!

DEar Jon and JMWe had PONIES in the yrad yesterday!!!Ponies!!!!!!They sleeped for a a long time and thenthey wlked around anc theyATESOME of the TREES!!They PEEked in the windows and I said HI!!!PONIES!!!LVOE LOVE LOVE DOUGAL

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Ground Hog Day

I'm up and ready and waiting . . . not even sure if we HAVE a ground hog out there. If we do he's an idiot for getting out in that snow, but I'll be watching!


Friday, February 01, 2008

And so one goes and another is here

January is gone.
There's a huge snow storm coming in today. It started about midnight and there's a couple inches on the ground already. Another 6-8 are due by 7:00 tonight.

Sometimes it seems longer than it's ever been before.