Thursday, August 28, 2008

Go Team Go!

The first home football game is Friday Night.

You know it's Back to School time when you:
a) hear the band practicing.
b) see the school busses doing practice runs in your neighborhood
c) see the BIG LIGHTS go on at the football stadium for a game.

I have decided that this year is going to be MY year.
I will not sleep in class.
I will not make fun of other people's reports.
I will turn my work in on time.
I won't be picky when lunch is served--I will thank the cafeteria ladies and smile.
I will join more than one after school club . . . and become PRESIDENT!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm a winner!!!!

Added to the site on April 13th 2006

This is how Dougal has performed in 2367 battles:

Won: 1606 (68%)
Lost: 521 (22%)
Drawn: 240 (10%)

Fall Term

It's time for school again?

Sheesh . . . I was JUST settling in and enjoying my summer vacation.

My fall classes:

Physics 14--Gravity
Physics Lab 14A--Using Gravity

Dairy 09--Yogurt, where it comes from and why it's so tasty

PE 01--I have to take this again . . . a repeat. APPARENTLY if you nap during the class you flunk. Stupid rules.

Engineering 11--Forts, building, arming, defending and destroying

Art 151--Performance Art and utilizing sound with sculpture.

Philosophy 851--Advanced Thought

So as you can see, a pretty tough term. I'm a little nervous about it all . . . I think I can handle Yogurt, but that PE class . . . this is like the 11th time I've had to take it and I keep flunking. If only they'd count the physical education I do outside of class . . . . . .

I need to talk to the Dean.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Watching the Olympics . . . .fascinating stuff.
I like the beach volleyball . . . all that sand is mesmerizing.

I like to watch the swimming--in a fascinated horror kind of way. I can understand why they go do fast--WHO would want to be in that creepy wet stuff?

I like the gymnastics . . . they're so pretty running and jumping and twisting and turning . . .

I like the commercials.

Except for the mud slinging presidential commercials. They suck.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Under the heading: "There's a sucker born every minute."

Pet Treadmills

Have a fat animal or a pampered show pet that's too good for the streets? Either way, there are a number of treadmills out there specifically designed for animals. For over $1000, there's the carbon steel-framed Jog A Dog, which comes in four options depending on your dog's size. For less than a grand, there's the aluminum-made Pawwws, which comes in two sizes and includes 3 manual incline options and an LCD screen that shows time, distance, speed, and calories. No matter the option, you'll be getting your dog off to a great fitness regimen without having to break a sweat yourself.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

My oh my --the Olypmic Opening Ceremony

I still have stars in my eyes.


I am disappointed in the US team's uniform, though. The white caps look silly. There's no cool like there was in the berets from the Salt Lake City Winter games. They DID need Project Runway.

Canada's uniform looked like somebody spilled something on it . . .

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Happy Cat

I am SUCH a happy cat.
The Olympics start Friday.

I adore the Olympics.
The running.
The jumping.
The stick vaulting.

Not so wild about the water sports. I simply cannot understand why anyone (even hairless humans) would willingly WANT to be in the much water . . . . ewwwwwww . . .

And then there's this sport where you stay on a mat and do things with cat toys for points. Now THAT is MY FAVORITE Sport!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I LIKE this Quack Cat Doc

a) We all got to stay out last night, past our bedtimes.
b) We got new "enrichment" toys when Mom and Dad got back from the store.
c) There are multiple food stations around the house so there's no LINE!
d) Mom's been working on combing Tiger and Chester every day and that's really helped reduce the cat hair I have to deal with. Nice.

So all in all . . . this stuff so far has been bearable.

At least they don't pick us up and ask us "How's your inner kitten? Is he okay?" THAT could get a little annoying!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

A trip to the cat psychologist

Mom has been concerned for some time that perhaps I have "issues" with my older brothers.

So she's hired a cat shrink to figure out the situation. The woman lives in england, apparently and sent her report in a bound book called, "How to be a Cat Detective, Solving the Mystery of Your Cat's Behavior."

Let me go on record for saying that I don't trust the English. I've heard rumors that they're trying to take over the world. Like their language isn't enough domination, they want us to all trade in British Sterling AND drive supercars with such great emissions standards that 100% of the vehicle is recyclable AND the car's engine coughs out tiny baby foxes and nothing else.

That said . . . this British Broad did peg a couple things that are improving life around here.

In a Multiple cat household, intercat dynamics often lead to one cat being a bully. Unlike the "Alpha Dog" scenario--a bully cat doesn't build team spirit and a pack mentality . . . they're just mean.


Then the cat lady suggested that I'm the bully.

Say WHAT? It has to be Chester! He's the one that guards the top of the stairs. He's the one that pushes me away from my food bowl. I just try to defend my territory . . which is pretty much the rest of the house. . . . oh . . . and DAD. Dad's mine.

Indoor cats are often bored and need enrichment activities that help simulate hunting, foraging and other normal cat behaviors.

Okay . . . if what this means is we get more cat toys, then YES, I agree.

But APPARENTLY this also means that the food bowl gets moved (you have to find it.) and some of our food/treats get wrapped up in wax paper balls and we get to play with it and try to get the food out.

Mom also told me, "I've hidden some treats around the house. You can spend your day looking for them. It will keep you occupied."

Just for the record, "I don't like hunting and foraging for my food!" It's waaaaay too much like work.

I don't like the cat shrink. She knows too much.