I'm so cute.
Aren't I cute?
I'm really really cute.
See I'm using my cute voice.
The light one with a chirrup on the end.
That kitten voice, that says I am SO sweet and adorable.
See see see
I am cute
And so well behaved.
You can trust me
I'd like in the bedroom now
Please please please
I hear you approach the door.
Perhaps purring so much louder tipped my hand
But I am SO cute
Yes, yes! Pick me up and let me in the bedroom!
I have an appointment for a nap on the bed
and WAIT!
I'm not purring anymore!
You're taking me away from the door.
No no no no I can't hear you
I don't want to be held.
I want in the bedroom.
You think that just because Dad has allergies and the bed linens have to be cat fur free that I care?
I don't care about that!
I NEED to nap on the bed!
(push!) ~~SWIPE~~ Let me go!
I do not like these rules.
I do not like you.
Not this morning.
Not when I have to nap in the pony fort . . . again.
I am going to go sulk now.
Keep your kittie treats to yourself.
I am NOT interested.