It's hard to believe, when you look out the window today, but it is a beautiful world.
Yesterday I was reflecting on how different each Season is. How delightful it is to be outside in the summer, sleeping on the hammock with Dad, watching the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Hearing the birds singing, chirping, and realizing they have different songs for different times of the day.
I still haven't LEARNED bird talk, but I'm beginning to see patterns.
I enjoy the Autumn, when the leaves suddenly reveal their secret identities, and they fall to the ground whipping around in the wind and creating abstract art on the sidewalks and shrubs.
Winter--especially that DUMP of SNOW with big fluffy flakes, is a nice time. I don't go out in that, but it does create this kind of muffled world when I hear the front door open. Mom and Dad will make fires in the fireplace when it's snowy out and I like that A LOT!
But most of all, right now, I'm learning that I like Spring better and better. Spring used to just be kind of a drab, wet, sort of muddy time of year.
As I get older, I am appreciating more of the nuances of Spring. The normal Bird Channel Birds get an influx of southern cousins--colors get brighter. It's subtle but, day to day, the buds on the trees, the tulips and daffodils push push push out into the world. Sometimes you can stare for a very long time and SEE the buds emerging.
I'm very good at staring.