Last night mom and I watched Sideways again. She gasped a couple times and said, "I forgot how racey parts of this movie can be--Dougal don't listen! Don't LOOK! No! DO NOT Look . . . oh you stupid cat. . . . ."
I played with the old shoelaces from Dad's tennis shoes and Tiger and I had a bit of a romp playing Ultimate Cat Nip. I practiced some new moves and I really got the chili pepper WAY up there!
Mom was reading a book about relationships and she said, (after I got her attention by sitting on the table and swatting at the book) . . . "How come nobody writes self-help books about how to deal with your relationships with cats? I could use some help trying to understand what the heck goes through your psychotic mind."
I just looked at her. Big big eyes . . . Puss in Boots Eyes.
"Yeah, keep it up . . . ." she muttered returning to her book.
The truth is . . .it's a secret. We don't WANT you to know how to relate to us. If you DID, then we wouldn't be mysterious and our universal power would be destroyed.
There it is.
That's the truth.