Friday, June 30, 2006

There Be Dragons.

It's been some time since I wrote.

Jon came home for a visit and he and I have been having very nice talks about things like how to catch squirrels and that chipmunks might be easier than squirrels, but the chipmunks are just so darn cute.

Mom's been working on a scrapbook of just ME and she has 4 pages done so far. I like them all but I like the dragons best.

She did a page with photos of me in my forts and included a quote about "I want a moat with dragons and a fort to keep people out." and then she drew the dragons. It is very nice. No ponies yet, but very nice so far.

Thanks mom.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The mysterious cats

Who knows why they do.
They just do.

It's a cat thing.

It's MOVIE night!

We're watching Phenonominiumium.

It's interesting. I really liked the kitten at the beginning of the movie--but no cats since then. There's a couple bunny shots--and a dog. Directors seem to like dogs. Must be because they're so STUPID! :)

I saw some pigs--no monkeys. And no ponies. Yet. We still have 20 minutes to go, but Dad's on the phone to Grandma who just got back from Europe. She has a cold.

She said the tour had a LOT of walking . . . especially for a river cruise. Who KNEW there would be that much walking!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Pirate Kittens Unite!


Happy Birthday Jon

Today is Jon Jon's birthday. I remember the day he was born . . . or . . . well . . . maybe I HEARD about it later . . . in any case, I know that he deserves a cake, presents, balloons and monkeys for his birthday.

(If you get any spare monkeys you can give them to me. )

Saturday, June 10, 2006


A Pirate's Life for me

Them that falls behind gets left behind!

We watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night. Mom said Caribbean. Dad said Caribbean . . . I don't care which it is--it was fun.

I would make a great pirate. I've got the attitude, "Yar!"

And I have the smarts. You have to be smart to be a pirate. You've got to be tricky. I'm tricky. And clever. I'm clever.

I could have a pet monkey or parrot.

Man, pirates sound VERY cool.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Mom says to calm down.

She says that she TOLD me he was going to New York to do some research. I guess I missed that. I must have been napping.

So here's the scoop. Jim is doing something something something accelerator, something TWO accelerators, something something magnets and math modelling--and it includes ultimate frisbee and physics shirts.

I hope he gets enough to eat. This sounds like a pretty strenuous summer camp.

Jim is GONE!!!!!!!

I've been trying to get online to post news and the system has been flakey--so I haven't had a chance to tell you . . . JIM IS GONE!!!

He took his car and he's GONE!!!

I don't know where he went. He took his clothes and his COMPUTER and he's GONE!!!!!

I am freaking out.

Nobody tells me anything.