Friday, May 30, 2008

Penguins walk like zombies

When one starts, the rest follow.
Mom says if I invited 6 penguins to live with us we could end up with 6,000 because they all follow the leader.

That would put a crimp in my sardine supply . . . . .

Maybe I need to rethink this penguin house thing.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Penguin House

I've been making plans for a new expedition.
I believe it's time that we rescue penguins from the horrible shrinking ice shelf.
I've cleared away a little space in the basement and found a nice little nesting place in the living room. I could probably house 6 or 7 baby penguins.

So I'm writing a letter to whoever's in charge around here and letting them know I'd be a good location for displaced penguins.

I hope to see the first baby penguins by the end of the week!



And we can play penguin games and run around the house . . .

This is a great and noble idea!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On Guard Duty

That's why I'm on the table.
I'm working here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

There was a flyover this morning. Two airforce jets. I think they were going to the Parades.

It is a most beautiful and magical day today. Quiet. Pleasant.
Mom and Dad are home and they are laughing and playing games and reading.

I LIKE days like this. They are the best.

Best best best

In the entire world.

Now if only they'd open that can of sardines Jon Jon got me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dear Dougal


I think I'm in the freezer!

It's VERY COLD in here!!!!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Love you Dad . . . a LOT!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

We're GOOD cats . . . we don't know where Dougal is.

Dougal, where are you?

Wow, the view up here is interesting!

Hmmmm evidience of something . . . a beer cart during golf?

Wonder what's in dad's lunch?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dear Dad,

Come home already!
Mom was out shopping all evening and came home with 3 pairs of shoes and NO sardines.

Even though I KNOW she was reading Gordon Ramsey's receipe for grilled sardines.

She is just . . . plain . . .MEAN.

Dad . . . Please come home. And stop with the travel already.

We hardly see you anymore!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I dream of Ice Cream

I had the best dream last night.
I was eating ice cream. Rich and creamy vanilla ice cream. It tasted great--melted in my mouth and was oh so good. I think it was Haagen daz . . .

Saturday, May 10, 2008

happy mother's day mom

I just want you to know that I love you best of all the mothers I've had.

And I may not always show it . . . but I think you're the nicest, lovingest, practically perfect in every way, Mary Poppinsish mom in the whole entire world.

Love love love

Friday, May 09, 2008

I dream

I dream of dancing in a field with butterflies.

I dream of stalking the catnip stuffed red chili pepper.

I dream of penguins, ponies and sardines.

. . . . sweet sweet sweet spring afernoon dreams . . . . . .

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

And here's to Dad!

Who is picking up 5 cases of sardines for me when he comes back to Michigan this week!
Thanks Dad.
I especially like the kind that still have the heads on.

Here's to Mom

Who will go over 100 miles in her marathon training this week.

Way to go Mom!

Here's to Jon Jon

Who, while recovering from a head cold BEAT GTA4 . . . well nearly . . .

Maybe one more night without sleep.

Here's to Jim

Whose experimental expertise is so good professors think he's fudging his data.

Way to go Jim!!!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Stephen Colbert does DDR too!

He had a dance off with "Rain" from Speed Racer.

Looking for a Pen Pal

Mom and I are eating pudding and watching The Colbert Report.
Dad's on the road again.

I told him to keep an eye out for penguins. I'd like a penguin pen pal. Buzz is into sleeping and doesn't admit to being able to know how to read and write. (he's totally messed up . . . I caught him trying to sneak into the FREEZER last night!)

Somewhere out there I'm sure there is an intelligent penguin who's looking for a pen pal. Someone who'd be interested in exchanging ideas about how great and wonderful I am and who could spread the word to their friends that I'm the greatest cat in the world.

A penguin that works for a newspaper would be perfect.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Cinco de Mayo--What's it all about?

The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, but it should be. Mexico declared its independence from mother Spain on midnight, the 15th of September, 1810. And it took 11 years before the first Spanish soldiers were told and forced to leave Mexico.

So, why Cinco de Mayo? And why should Americans savor this day as well? Because 4,000 Mexican soldiers smashed the French and traitor Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City on the morning of May 5, 1862.

Dad has jury duty

I asked him if I could go too and he said that security was too tough at the courthouse. They wouldn't let panthers like me in . . .

Guess I'll just have to watch Boston Legal.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

In memory of Eight Belles

I talked mom and dad into watching the Kentucky Derby today (ponies!!!!!). It was a very nice race. Silly hats. Lots of ponies.

Big Brown won.

And then something terrible happened. Eight Belles, the only girl horse in the race--went down. She had come in 2nd--had a great race--but gave her all . . . broke two ankles and they had to put her down.

A most glorious day, a moment of great victory--and sweetness . . . and then . . . she's gone.

I am so very very sad. I don't know if I can look a ponies for awhile.

I will be remembering Eight Belles . . . she was a most beautiful horse. With tons of heart.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Gone to the dogs!

Please mom.
Don't book a trip here!!!

. .. say what?

Woke up this morning and Chester informs me I missed May Day.


FINALLY get a really good cat nap in and I've slept through some holiday. It would be JUST my luck if this was the holiday where cats get free sardines from the postman.