Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dear Santa

Thank you for the organic catnip scratching post and nap bed. It is wonderful. The first time I used it I was SO buzzed. Dad said one eye was more dialated that the other and he made me sit out a turn while Tiger and Chester checked it out.

Thank you also for the SARDINES!!!! Though actually those came from Jon Jon. He KNOWS how to pack when he comes home! Thank you Jon! You are a very very very very very very very very thoughtful big brother.

Thanks Santa,
Your best friend and biggest fan


Monday, December 24, 2007

Dear Jolly Old Fat man in the red suit.

I know you know who I am.
And I know who you are.
Please don't forget me.
I am your biggest fan!

Dear Santa

I have been a very good kitten this year. I have only fought a little. I have only knocked things off the counter . . . a bit. I have only hidden important pens under the buffet . . . here and there. And I have spent many many hours studying my socrates club homework. I've learned how to wish other people a happy day. I've listened to my paw, when it's placed on Dad's heart and I've learned that my love is important to others.

Please bring me sardines.

And some cat nip.

And a space ship.

Tiger and I have been working on a plan . . .and we need a space ship.

Love love love

Friday, December 14, 2007

Grinch treats

Mom put green food coloring in the rice krispie treats and they turned kind of . . . sort of green but not really.
Dad said they looked like Grinch Treats.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

She brought me a dead bunny

I'm not in love with her ANY more and I think I will go back to playing video games.

WHO would want a dead bunny at their doorstep? Sheesh . . . . .

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Crazy brother gets his turn.

"What do you really know of her?" Prince MEME's crazy old brother asked him. "You see her, she's behind a wall and she appears interesting because you cannot catch her attention. But what do you really know?"

"She is beautiful. I want her to love me."

"How do you know her love is worth this effort? How do you know she has love to give? How do you know she hasn't given her love to another? You are making a lot of assumptions, brother."

Prince MEME was starting to get confused. This often happened when he talked to his Crazy brother. Some of that craziness just worn off and upset things . . . "She is beautiful and I want her to admire me, long for me, cherish me."

His brother gave him a long understanding and slightly pitying stare.

Did I mention that all the brothers were good at staring?

Inside things were getting discombobulated. Prince MEME began to doubt that he knew what he wanted. He doubted that she was pretty. She doubted that she had the ability to love him. He doubted that he himself was a handsome prince and a fantastic dancer.

He doubted his singing voice.

He doubted everything.

Prince MEME didn't like feeling like this . . . he wanted to KNOW! He wanted to BELIEVE. He wanted things to work out like they were supposed to in fairy tails.

It happened that on this morning, the beautiful princess walked by the glass wall again, as was her wont. She paused slightly to look at Prince MEME.

He was afraid. He saw nothing in her eyes. No warmth, no depth. No admiration or love. He saw only coldness and distance and mild curiousity.

And that's when he knew . . . she had been cast with an evil enchantment by some nasty old witch.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Prince MEME's Lazy Brother tries to teach him a lesson

Prince MEME had been out of sorts for many days. He sang sorrowful songs. The joy in his dance steps was missing. He moved through the hamlet like a lost, disinterested wisp of smoke.

What meaning is there in life if you aren't loved?
What meaning is there if the one you love doesn't see you? Doesn't appreciate you? Doesn't applaud when you dance? Cheer when you sing?

One of the Prince's very old and very sage brothers sat down by him one day. Prince MEME had often considered this brother lazy. He spent most of his time laying in the sunshine and enjoying life. He didn't dance at all.

"I used to dance," his lazy brother told him. "And I still dance, you just aren't watching. You're so busy trying to be the perfect dancer, so busy concentrating on your intricate steps and your technical skills . . . that you miss it."

Prince MEME just sighed.

His lazy brother tried again, "I've noticed you aren't dancing. I'm worried about you. You love to dance."

Prince MEME just sighed again.

His lazy brother stared at him. In this hamlet, all three brothers were known for their staring ability.

Prince MEME looked away.

His lazy brother continued staring and then slowly . . . quietly fell asleep. A beam of sunshine had come out from behind a cloud and like a light switch--turned the lazy brother into a slumbering and happy puddle of joy.

Prince MEME was wistful and longing . . . if only it were that easy to be happy.