Saturday, October 20, 2007

An Interview with ME!

1. Who's the smartest person in your family?
. . . . well clearly . . . ME . . . but if it wasn't me . . . then it's a tie . . Jon and Jim. I'll give extra points to the brother that sends me sardines FIRST when he reads this.

2. What is your dad really good at?
. . . .shooting polar bears and wolves.*

3. What can you do better than dad?
Oh that's EASY! Chill out and nap. I am MUCH better at that than Dad.

4. How am I like my mom?
. . . .welllllllllll . . . . I like to make messes when scrapbooking!

5. How are you different from mom?
I don't have as many rules and I know how to get Dad's attention even when he's shooting polar bears.

6. How old is mom?
Oh that's dangerous . . . do i really say? . . . . She's old enough to remember black and white TV, changing TV channels with pliers because the knob fell off . . . old enough to remember only have 1 network TV station available (she lived up north) . .. . old enough to remember the Detroit Riots and watching the national guard come in in riot gear at MSU to quell the student unrest . . . . Not quite old enough to remember riding in a horse and buggy.

7. How tall is dad?
He's way taller than me and taller than Bruce, but not as tall as Jon and Jim. Sometimes when mom puts her fancy boots on she's taller than Dad too. Especially if she stands on the stairstep.

8. What one thing is mom always saying to you?
Well the MOST often thing she says is, "You could ACT like you know the rules. GET OFF THE TABLE." and the second most often thing is, "Love you George." I don't know why she calls me George. That's not my name, but I know when she calls me George she really really loves me.

9. What did you and dad do together that you'll always remember?
Oh this is EASY! We went to Hawaii and napped in a hammock! That was a great day.

10. How do you know that mom and dad love you?
I think I'm going to get choked up . . . I know they love me every day because they hold me, pet me, buy me sardines (but not ENOUGH SARDINES--PLEASE SEND MORE!!!), sing to me, help me blog, let me nap on their laps and they relax when I put my paw on their cheeks. Both of them. It's like I have a magic paw.

*Dad's on the last level of his Cabella's hunting video game. At least we THINK it's the last level. The only thing left would be elephants and whales.


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