Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Mom and her friend Val and her sister Kathy walked the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day.
It's the only day of the year that pedestrians are allowed to walk it.
The bridge turned 50 this year (as did Val) and Mom has always always wanted to walk the bridge.
It was a perfect day. They arrived early (but not too early--things were already hopping by 6:00 a.m.!) That meant they had to leave the Roscommon River House (Aunt Kathy's place) by 3:30 in the morning!
They saw the sun pop up over the horizon as they started up the bridge--it was amazing.
Mom said it was fabulous fabulous fabulous! and she told me that no, no other cats were allowed to walk the bridge. It's 5 miles and cats would be trying to walk on the railing like it was a tight rope. Not a good thing!


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