Thursday, July 09, 2009

Plans for today

1. Cruise the counter tops while mom's not looking. SCORE butter dish! SCORE peanut butter spoon!
2. Call for Dad. Randomly. room to room . Until he wakes up.
3. Cuddle in Dad's lap and nap.
4. Make pathetic mewing noises if Dad trys to dump me from his lap.
5. Consider sunbathing--however, the sun's rays are . . . odd on my bald belly. Mom says I need sunscreen.
6. Talk dad into taking me outside to nap on the hammock.
7. Whisper movie ideas to Dad while he thinks I'm sleeping, so we can watch Cat From Outer Space.
8. Check out mom's coffee . .. is that cream? Ugh! skim milk. So not worth the effort. . . oh . . . sorry for sneezing in your coffee . . . you got a problem with that?
9. Draw pictures of Dad's new car so he can put them on the refrigerator
10. Prepare for rematch with Chester for a marathon game of Risk. I SHALL rule the world. Especially if you stop cheating!


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