Dear Santa

I have been very good this year. (You won't be checking with mom, will you?)
I have . . . um . . . I've given comfort and purrs to Dad and some for mom (If Dad is out of town).
I'm helpful . . .(I think I'm helpful anyway). I help out around the house. I take care of loose objects that are just laying around and put them where they won't bug people. (Under the rug, the radio, the sofa or the buffet).
I've been very good about attending Socrates Club and doing my homework assignments. I've learned lots about important things like . . . um . . .well
Happiness! I learned about that.
And . . . . magic. I think we talked about that once or twice.
I've learned some new things this year, like how being happy today is more important than all the cat nip in the world.
And I've learned that you CAN teach old dogs new tricks, you just may need a squirrel to help you.
And . . . let's see . . . well . . . I also learned that being healthy trumps driving a Cadillac. (at least most days.)
Since I've been very very very good, Mr. Fat Man in a Red Suit, I think I deserve a pony.
Love love love
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