Friday, June 20, 2008


It's the weekend
It's the weekend
Happy happy cat dance

Time for naps
Time for snacks
Time for scratches on my back

Yippee Yippee
Skippee Skippee
Dad's coming home!!

Mom and Dad are having the house painted and it's been kind of interesting watching the guys move the ladders and scrape the windows.
I tried to spook them and jump up on the table while they were scraping the outside window, but I think they couldn't see me . . . .or . . . they could be onto my tricks.

The weather is supposed to be okay for tonight, but a chance of a thunderstorm. This doesn't sound like fun. Mom has Concerts in the Park. It's the first one of the season. So . . . it should be a wee bit stressful.

But just a wee bit.

Rope . . .she needs to remember to get rope for the banners.
And write the band introductions . . . that would be a good thing . . . .

So much to do . . . so little time.

But it's the WEEKEND!!! Yippee Skippee!!!


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