Monday, May 22, 2006

Movie Reviews

I watched a lot of movies over the weekend. Turns out I missed the cat show in Wyandotte, but that's okay. Celebrity brings it's own burdens. True, I missed meeting some famous models, but . . . that's life.

SO . . . Movie reviews.

Chicken Little. . . . . This is preposterous. Not a good movie. Ugly duckling was very ugly and there were no cats. HOW do you make an animal movie and NOT have cats. I was insulted.

Post Concussion . . . . an indy film from 1999. Found it in the comedy aisle. Like a low budget Office Space, it has a certain independent filmesqueness to it. The main character was very interesting and I was willing to overlook the bad acting in some parts--HE was good, his friends (who were playing multiple roles) were not so good. It looked like a college buddy film that made it to distribution. But it was witty and fun and I enjoyed it.

Walk the Line . . . Any man that wears black is clearly a man of class. I enjoyed the movie a lot, even though I'm not a country music fan. To think of Johnny Cash touring with Elvis, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis was kind of fun--I wouldn't have put them together in a show--but it seemed to work.

I especially liked the part where June, her mom and dad run off the drug dealer with shot guns. She seemed too pretty to carry a gun . . . but apparently all country girls get guns. Something to remember.

She liked to fish too. I think she would have made a very good friend.

So now I have to wait until DaVinci Code comes out on DVD. I read the book and it was . . . interesting. Sort of a road rally through Paris and London. I like Road Rallys. Hope they have good "extras" on the DVD. I don't get to travel much and I would very much like to see the Mona Lisa.

PS . . . I'm MUCH better at codes than those idiots.


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